2007年10月25日 星期四

Annotated bibliography


1) Andrew F. Wood, Matthew J. Smith, " Online communication : linking technology, identity, and culture ", Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001

~It is a book of theory about online identity. It gives detail explanation of the theory and the terms.

2) Ben Summerskill , “The way we are now: gay and lesbian lives in the 21 st century” London ; New York : Continuum, 2006

~It provides realistic life of gay and lesbian in general and it also explains how they perform on the internet which is helpful on my research question.

3) Paul Bocij, " The dark side of the internet: protecting yourself and your family from online criminals ", Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2006

~It is a good book in the sense that it introduces different terms about online identity and the dark side of it. It provides examples and statistics that are very useful for doing research. It is easy to read as well, so it suits anyone who wants to know more about online identity and social relationship.

4) Monica T. Whitty and Adrian N. Carr, “Cyberspace romance : the psychology of online relationships”, Basingstoke [England] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006

~It is very useful for helping me to find out how online romance works, and it is easy to read.

Electronic Books

1) Tran, William C, " Constructing Identity and Community Online : Strategies of Ebay Netizens",San Jose State University, 2002

~It explains online identity in the simplest way and it allows you to handle the topic in the shortest time.


1) http://fragment.nl/resources/online_articles.html

~It includes a lot of international articles, providing different insights on the issue of online identity and community. Issues of online romance, personal and emotional relationship and artist role on the internet are all included in the website. I gain a lot from it. =] The articles listed below are those I think especially useful.

Online articles

1) Aoki, Kumiko (1994) Virtual Communities in Japan. Online
[ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/communications/papers/Virtual-Communities-in-Japan- Communities-in-Japan]

2) Baker, Andrea (1998) "Cyberspace Couples Finding Romance Online Then Meeting for the First Time in Real Life." In: CMC Magazine, Vol. 5, nr. 7. Online
[http://www.december.com/cmc/mag/1998/jul/baker.html ]

3) Bruckman, Amy S. (1996) Cyberspace is not Disneyland: The Role of the Artist in a Networked World. Online
[http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/Amy.Bruckman/papers/getty/disneyland.html ]

4) Chandler, Daniel (1998) Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web. Online

4) Chenault, Brittney G. (1998) "Developing Personal and Emotional Relationships Via Computer-Mediated Communication." In: CMC Magazine, Vol. 5, nr. 5. Online

5) Donath, Judith S. (n.d.) Body language without the body: situating social cues in the virtual world. Online

6) Donath, Judith S. (n.d.) Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community. Online

7) Jaffe, J. Michael and Young-Eum Lee and Lining Huang and Hayg Oshagan (1995) Gender, Pseudonyms, and CMC: Masking Identities and Baring Souls. Online

8) Kling, Rob (1996) "Social Relationships in Electronic Forums. Hangouts, Salons, Workplaces and Communities." In: CMC Magazine, Vol. 3, nr. 7. Online

9) LaPin, Gianna (1998) Pick a Gender and Get Back to Us. How Cyberspace Affects Who We Are. Online

10) Lawley, Elizabeth Lane (1992) Discourse and Distortion in Computer-Mediated Communication. Online

11) MacKinnon, Richard C. (1995) The Social Construction of Rape in Virtual Reality. Online

12) Meyer, Chuck (1997) Human Identity in the Age of Computers. Online

13) Mulcahy, Jennifer K. (n.d.) Role Playing Characters and the Self. Online

14) Mulcahy, Jennifer K. (n.d.) Romance - Online. A Study of the Internet's Effect on Romance in America. Online

15) Rosenberg, Michael S. (1992) Virtual Reality: Reflections of Life, Dreams, and Technology. An Ethnography of a Computer Society. Online

16) Rubick, Jade Forrest (1997) Group Communication and Formation on the Internet. Online
