2007年10月25日 星期四

Why ' online identity' interests me?

In daily life, everyone have different roles to play at the same time. An 18-year-old teenager has to play roles of student, child of his parent, lover of his girlfriend, while an adult has the roles of employer, parent, partner, citizen and so forth. With the popularity of internet, people around the world enter the virtual world in different ways, for example, homepage, blog, online forum, online game, and online chat room. Engaged in virtual world, a new online identity is recognized .So, what is this online identity? How does it formed? Is the internet user aware of his new online identity?

Another reason that online identity is chosen for my mid term blog’s topic is relevant to my real life experience. “I had met a ‘friend’ in school; we used to contact each other through MSN, though we often had face to face conversation. When we were online, we had many topics and we chatted everything we wanted. However, it’s just an online relationship; my ‘friend’ likely treated me as a stranger when we met on the street. It is so confusing to me whether the one I met online and the one I met in the daily life is different.” A new question is raised in my mind based on the experience. “How does internet differ one’s online identity and real life identity?”

Many questions marks about online identity are in my head and they bring me interest to find out the answer. Hopefully, after finishing the blog and the research paper, I have a clear idea on it and all question marks removed from my head.

1 則留言:

Kennis Chan 提到...

I agree with you~
Because I also have similar experience~ We can easily commuinicate by a computer, but so difficult to talk face to face!It's really strange~