2007年10月25日 星期四

Key visual materials

1) http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mami-mama (BLOG)

Details: This is a blog about a family of four in Hong Kong, mainly about the growth of 2 children less than 3 years old.
Who made it: The blog owner is a mother who records her children’s growth with texts and number of photographs on the blog.
The date: it’s updated everyday
Where it comes from: (not applicable)
Reason including it: Although the blog is in Chinese, it is a very good example that the blog owners online identity (a good mother) is consistent with her real life identity in the sense that she records her children’s everyday trivial life including school life and extra-curricular activities and shows her love and care towards her boy and girl on the blog.

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYxKah2YptU
(Japanese drama with English title)

Details: It is an extract of a Japanese television series with greatest hit called Denshaotoko. It is a love story of a socially isolated man, Otaku. He met his goddess on train and encouraged by numerous net friends, he finally confessed his love for the goddess and had a happy ending.
Who made it: the video is shared by makotoevo66
The date: 9/2006
Where it comes from: it is from Fuji Television Network
Reason including it: it will be used to as an example to explain the construction of online friendship.

3) https://edit.yahoo.com/registration?.intl=us&new=1&.done=http%3A//mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym&.v=0&.u=084av5h3i0tvh&partner=&.partner=&pkg=&stepid=&.p=&promo=&.last=

Details: it is application form for email service offered by yahoo
Who made it: (not applicable)
The date: (not applicable)
Where it comes from: from the above website
Reason including it: it will be used to illustrate the concept of online identity and the consistency with real life identity

4) http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/forum.asp?forum=1020


Details: it is an online forum that allows internet users to exchange camera knowledge and shotting skills. The second link images are about the question raised by a poster and the answers provided by other posters.
Who made it: posted by RVD
The date: October 21, 2007
Where it comes from: website is owned by dpreview.com Limited

Reason including it: it will be used to illustrate the concept of online
