2007年10月25日 星期四

Key quotes

1) 'Social isolation can help to explain why some people enter destructive relationships even when they suspect the person they are in contactwith is insincere'

Source: Paul Bocij, " The dark side of the internet: protecting yourself and your family from online criminals ", Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2006 P. 181

2) ' Internet infidelity and destructive behaviour resulting in the break down of family and intimate re;ationships'

Source: Paul Bocij, " The dark side of the internet: protecting yourself and your family from online criminals ", Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2006 P.184

3) ' Facial expressions, posture and movement, and eye contact are all channels through which we can share meaning without using langage.'

Source: Andrew F. Wood, Matthew J. Smith, " Online communication : linking technology, identity, and culture ", Mahwah, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001 P.71

4) ' Some home page authors are extraordinarily frank and revealing about themselves compared to what might ordinarily expect in face-to-face interaction with strangers.'

Source: Daniel Chandler, "Personal Home Pages andthe Construction of Identities on the Web"

5) ' Once you start making assumptions , you can jump from one conclusion to another until you have a fairly complex mental picture of what kind of person I am......Once someone has a preconceived idea of who I am based on his or her (and his or her society’s) particular set of stereotypes, that someone will then interact with me based on those assumptions. "

Source: Gianna LaPin, "Pick a Gender and Get Back to Us":How Cyberspace Affects Who We Are"

1 則留言:

So Man Ting, Mandy 提到...

" Facial expressions, posture and movement, and eye contact are all channels through which we can share meaning without using langage."
Non-verbal language is important not only in daily conversation, but also in understanding the other's feelings and building trust. You can look into people's eyes, but if you use the web camera, you need to look at camera.
There is a lack of direct contact in the online communication.
I think this quote is very useful to my topic, Telepresence in education, too.